Monday, September 24, 2018

SOLD: Oyster Shucker

O1 with Cocobolo handles, g10 liners, brass bolster and mosaic pins. Plus some vine filework. Donated this to the BBF 2018 raffle.

Friday, September 14, 2018

SOLD: Paring knife

4" paring knife (8" overall length) made from 1095 with Goncalo Alves wood handle and brass and mosaic pins.

AVAILABLE: Bowie (Jim, not David)

This is a Bowie-style hunting knife. It's big: blade is 7 3/4", 13 1/2" overall length. Hand-forged from 5160 (leaf spring) steel with some brute de forge marks left in. Brass and Ebony stacked bolster, African Ebony handle, copper and mosaic pins. This one took a while. Thanks again to @rueandrosephotography for the photos.

SOLD: Oyster/bottle shucker

An oyster knife with bottle opener. O1 with Cocobolo handle, g10 liners, and mosaic pins. Thanks again to @rueandrosephotography for the photos.

SOLD: Chef's knife

8" Chef's knife made from 1095 high-carbon steel with resin handle and g10 liners, brass and mosaic pins. Donated this one to the BBF 2018 raffle. Big thanks to @rueandrosephotography for the photos!